Jerusalem, Israel - Aug. 11, 2024 - MDA's 101 Emergency Call Center in the Gilboa region received a report of a shooting targeting two vehicles on Route 90 near the Mehola Junction. MDA paramedics and EMTs, in cooperation with IDF medical forces, responded to the scene.
Initial reports indicated two casualties: a man in his 20s in critical condition and a 33-year-old man in moderate condition with gunshot wounds.
Upon further assessment, the medical team, including MDA Senior EMT Matti Carmi, provided treatment at the scene. Unfortunately, the young man in his 20s, who was found unconscious in a separate vehicle, was pronounced dead due to the severity of his injuries. The 33-year-old man with gunshot wounds to his lower limbs was stabilized and evacuated by an MDA-Hatzalah Air helicopter in moderate condition.