BJL Weather Information Notification System
Community Schedule Changes for Schools, Organizations & Businesses
TOMORROW, Feb 12, 2025 / 14 Shevat, 5785
@10:00 pm Bais Yaakov Elementary Open 11:00AM - Daven in school - No MTA bus
@10:01 pm Bais Yaakov Middle/High School Open 10:30AM - Daven at home - No MTA bus
@10:05 pm Bais Yaakov Preschool Open 11:00AM - Daven in school - No MTA bus
@8:25 pm Baltimore City Public Schools Closed
@8:25 pm Baltimore County Public Schools Virtual Learning
@9:38 pm Bnos Yisroel Update at approximately 9:00AM
@8:57 pm JCC - Owings Mills Open 9:30AM
@8:57 pm JCC - Park Heights Open 9:30AM
@8:58 pm JCC Pre-School Open 10:00AM
BJL News Ticker
BJL Weather Information Notification System Community Schedule Changes for Schools, Organizations & Businesses for Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025 / 14 Shevat, 5785 Mazel Tov to Efi & Rina Weisz on the Birth of Twin Sons Egypt To Present ‘Comprehensive’ Plan For Rebuilding Gaza While Palestinians Stay There Judy Landman: The Hidden Beauty of Tu B’Shvat: A Lesson in Growth and Potential Jordan's King Abdullah Tells Trump He Will Take In 2,000 Gaza Children Don't Blink: Hillel Fuld Witnessing History Unfold in Real-Time Mazel Tov to Yosef and Ateret Feldman on the birth of a son Baltimore City Winter Weather Advisory Baltimore County Issues Winter Weather Advisory, Urges Caution Councilman Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer Calls Out Sinai Hospital for Having the Longest Wait Times of any Hospital in Baltimore City My Friend Abe Diamond, z"l, on his 40th Yahrzeit, 13 Shevat MD 7th District Congressman Rep. Kweisi Mfume Faces Backlash for ‘Street Fight’ Comment at Anti-DOGE Rally Baltimore City DPW: Trash & Recycling Pickup Continues Despite Snow Report: PM Met With Jared Kushner, Said To Be Behind Trump’s Gaza Plan, During US Visit Last Week Track Snow Plows in Baltimore City and County Influenza Rates 'Very High' In MD In Flu’s 2nd Wave Trump, Witkoff Secure Release Of US Citizen Marc Fogel, Detained By Russia Since 2021 IDF Calls Up Reservists To Reinforce Southern Command Responding To Hamas' Announcement: Israel Officially Pausing Talks For Second Stage Ahead Of Tu Bishvat: Rabbi Urges: Don't Eat Dried Fruit From Turkey
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Baltimore, MD - Feb. 11, 2025  - BJL Weather Information Notification System Community Schedule Changes for Schools, Organizations & Businesses for Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025 / 14 Shevat, 5785 Bais Yaakov Elementary: Open 11:00 AM – Daven in school – No MTA bus Bais Yaakov Middle/High School: Open 10:30 AM – Daven at home – No MTA bus Bais Yaakov Preschool: Open 11:00 AM – Daven in school – No MTA bus Baltimore City Public Schools: Closed Baltimore County Public Schools: Virtual Learning Bnos Yisroel: Update at approximately 9:00 AM JCC &ndash...
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Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic, the leading organization providing critical support to families facing pediatric illness in Baltimore, Silver Spring, and the greater Washington, DC, area, is launching its most impactful fundraiser yet: YOU Can Make a Difference.  Running from February 15-17, 2025, this transformative campaign invites the entire community to come together to raise $500,000 to expand Chai Lifeline’s vital services. Thanks to generous benefactors, all funds raised during the campaign will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling the Every day, Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic is there for families navigating the unimaginable challenges of pediatric illness. Parents face overwhelming hospital stays, medical expenses, and emotional strain, while siblings often feel lost ...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 11, 2025 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Efi & Rina Weisz on the birth of twin sons. Mazel Tov to grandparents Zeesha & Esther Weisz and Moshe & Maggie Silver יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Egypt plans to “present a comprehensive vision for the reconstruction” of the Gaza Strip that ensures Palestinians remain on their land, the Egyptian foreign ministry says in a statement. Egypt “hopes to cooperate” with the administration of US President Donald Trump “to reach comprehensive and just peace in the region.” The statement comes as Trump continues to press for his plan to take over the Gaza Strip and resettle its population to neighboring Egypt and Jordan despite rejection from Arab states.
Tu B’Shvat is just about here.  It’s a great holiday, yet unfortunately underappreciated and not widely celebrated in the US.  I’m not sure why that’s the case, however, I only came to appreciate it when I started teaching Limudei Kodesh in preschool, and even then it was a cursory introduction. Over the years, I have read articles as well as attended a Tu B’Shvat Seder and have really come to realize its significance.  I don’t have the qualifications to expound halachically or ruchuniyus- wise as to the source of the Chag and its deeper meanings, however I can share some of my own personal feelings that I’ve learned over they years.  And for those not Sefer-inclined, there are many great websites, like and,...
Washington, D.C. - Feb. 11, 2025  - Jordan's King Abdullah II told President Donald Trump on Tuesday morning that his country would immediately admit 2,000 Palestinian children from the Gaza Strip with cancer and other medical issues. "I think one of the things we can do right away is take 2,000 children that are either cancer children or are in very ill state to Jordan as quickly as possible and then wait for, I think, the Egyptians to present their plan on how we can with the president to work on other challenges," he said. Why It Matters This is Trump's second meeting with an official in just a week to discuss the Israel-Hamas war. Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met at the White House last week. The meetings carry significant g...
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Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 11, 2025  - I am watching the news unfold before my eyes and I can’t write fast enough because by the time I complete a sentence, more history was made. Trump has doubled down on his ultimatum that if Hamas doesn’t return the hostages by Saturday at noon, all hell will break loose. He also just announced that there’s a 99% chance that America can work with Egypt on relocating the Gazans. And as I write this sentence, Trump just stated in regards to the annexation of Judea and Samaria, “I believe it will work.” The king of Jordan has responded to the Trump plan to relocate the Gazans by saying “We must wait for Egypt’s strategy for Gaza.” All I hear is “We are no lon...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 11, 2025 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Yosef & Ateret Feldman on the birth of a son. יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 11, 2025  -  Due to the impending storm, Baltimore City encourages you to register for BMORE Alert, Baltimore City's mass notification emergency alert system, to receive timely updates during emergencies. To register, text BMOREALERT to 888777 or visit: In response to the forecasted weather conditions, BALT311 has extended its call center hours to operate 24/7, ensuring residents have access to critical services. Baltimore's dedicated 311 team is available to assist with non-emergency issues, including downed trees, snow and icy conditions, and other weather-related concerns. You can report these issues by calling 311, using the 311 mobile app, or submitting a request online at: For power ...
Baltimore County, MD - Feb. 11, 2025  - From the Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation: A winter weather advisory has been issued for this evening, calling for two to five inches of snow and continuing until 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12. Travel could be very difficult, with hazardous conditions impacting today's evening commute, as well as the morning commute on Wednesday. Slow down to keep yourself and everyone on the road safe. Sign up for emergency alerts with BaltCo Alert, and get real time information about emergency situations, like severe weather.  And visit our website for real-time weather updates and information on county road closures.
Parsha Hashavua
Rabbi Zvi Teichman on Parshas B'shalach: No Veggies Allowed

The Shirah that Moshe and the Children of Israel sang at the splitting of the sea concludes with a prophecy that one day, 'You [G-d] will bring them, ותטעמו — and implant them, בהר נחלתך — on the mount of Your heritage.' 

The holy Arizal advises that when we recite this daily, we should have in mind to merit raising our children to be infused with Torah.

Where is there any allusion in this prayer, that speaks simply about our return to the boundaries of the Holy Land, to inspiring them to grow in Torah?

We echo this verse each Shabbos in the Mussaf prayer where we beseech G-d, שתעלנו בשמחה לארצנו ותטענו בגבולנו — You shall bring us up in gladness to our Land, and plant us within our boundaries. (הר"י בר יקר)

Perhaps it is the intimation of our being 'planted' as trees with its implication of bearing forth heathy 'fruit' — our children, that should draw our thoughts to raising them in the spirit of Torah, at this specific juncture.

The paraphrasing of the verse in the Shirah 'implant them on the mount of Your heritage', with simply 'plant us within our boundaries', leaves out the more significant aspect of being embedded within our 'heritage', our birthright, minimizing its significance to just physical borders.

The Mechilta on this verse in the Shirah, that describes our being 'implanted' in the Land of Israel, directs us to very last verse in the Book of Amos where G-d promises, ונטעתים — And I will plant them on their land, ולא ינתשו — and they shall no longer be uprooted from upon their land. The Mechilta emphasizes that the verb implanting used here is meant to indicate, נטיעה שאין בה נתישה — a planting that will never be uprooted.

Perhaps this is no mere promise of a permanent return to our land, but rather the key for our survival to be worthy of that day.

To succeed in cultivating healthy 'fruits' a tree must be planted in a suitable climate.

The optimum environment for a Jew is in our land, the 'mount of our heritage'. A land set apart from others and their influences. But until we all return to that idyllic region, we must make sure that wherever we plant our 'trees' they are within 'boundaries' that set us apart from the foreign culture that block the healthy rays of 'sunlight' the Torah bathes us in.

The legendary Mashgiach of the Mir, Rav Yeruchem Levovitz, taught that the primary trait that will ensure our success in life is to be a person who is נטוע וקבוע — firmly implanted and consistent in one's convictions, impervious to the 'blowing winds' that seek to uproot and sway us from our deep connection to our heritage. 

The Mechilta also draws us to another aspect of proper implantation.

We must be likened to 'a vineyard that is set in distinct and defined rows', as the prophet Yechezkel (48) describes 'from the eastern side to the western side… for Yehuda, one portion, for Dan, one portion, for Naftali, one portion', and so on for each tribe.

The Jewish nation consists of many diverse characters and unique talents, each one requiring their appropriate climate for growth, no two alike.

We must appreciate that when interacting with our fellow brothers and sisters, and especially with each of our children, no two are alike.

There is one more vital aspect in the metaphor of our being planted trees that bear fruit.

A grapevine out of Egypt You caused to journey; You expelled nations, ותטעה — and implanted it. (תהלים פ ט)

There seems to be an emphasis on our being contrasted with the Egyptians, as a grapevine saved from their grasp.

Rav Uri Shraga Jungreis makes a fascinating observation. The Torah distinguishes the Holy Land which is dependent on rain of heaven to irrigate its seed, from Egypt which is described as כגן ירק — a vegetable garden, which required them to bring water by foot from the Nile River to nourish their crops. (דברים יא י)  

The Torah states, 'When you shall come to the land, ונטעתם and you shall plant any food tree'. (ויקרא יט כג)

We are planter of trees, while the Egyptians tend to their vegetable gardens.

There are two distinctions between trees and vegetables. Trees take years from planting the seed until seeing fruit. Vegetables grow more rapidly. Secondly, fruits are consumed but the tree continues to give new fruit. A vegetable is totally consumed leaving no remnant. In Talmudic terminology, when eating a vegetable one is מכליא קרנא — consuming the principal, there is nothing left.

The key to survival is to patiently invest our efforts towards achieving the greater goal, forfeiting the need for instant gratification.

In Egyptian society it was the 'here and now', the uncontrolled desire to consume rather to reap the bounty that will never diminish the asset. (אורי וישעי שמות א)

The litmus test to determining the value of any endeavor is to ask oneself, "What will I be left with once it is done?"

Those who create boundaries of purpose; who are consistent; unwavering in their beliefs, will never 'veg out', engaging in activities that while away precious time leaving them empty-handed.

If we succeed in planting healthy trees, we are certain to reap a bounty of eternal reward, meriting to be planted forever on the 'mount of our heritage'.


צבי יהודה טייכמאן



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Baltimore, MD - Feb. 11, 2025 - "At today’s Baltimore City Fire Department hearing, we heard about the burden placed on Baltimore City EMS by hospitals that have wait times that are over double what they should be. Unfortunately, LifeBridge Health Sinai Hospital came in last place. BCFD shouldn’t be transporting patients to hospitals that don’t meet the level of care our constituents deserve."
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 11, 2025 - Abe Diamond, z"l, passed away 40 years ago, 13 Shvat, 5745 / Feb. 4, 1985. I still miss him - his humility - his guidance - his intelligence - his warmth - his sense of humor - the list can go on and on. I was a few years younger than Abe - It may have been in my first year of college and I often met Abe on Strathmore Avenue on the way to Shomrei Emunah. Most married men would have very little patience for a college kid but Abe and I always had common areas of interest- photography, business, theater to name a few. Our friendship grew over the years and we continued to discuss these common interests. His business was growing (eventually it became Food-A-Rama - the second or third largest chain of supermarkets in the State of Maryland), yet he always woul...
SimchasSimchas Simcha
Washngton, D.C.  Feb. 11, 2025  - A Democratic congressman is facing heat from conservatives on social media after promoting the idea of a "street fight" at a protest pushing back against Elon Musk’s recent efforts to slash government waste through the newly created DOGE office. "This will be a congressional fight, a constitutional fight, a legal fight, and on days like this a street fight, yes we will stand," Democratic Rep. Kweisi Mfume, who has represented Maryland’s 7th Congressional District since 2020, said at a rally in Baltimore on Monday outside the Social Security Office.  Mfume, who was elected to fill the seat of the late Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, added that DOGE stands for "the department of government evil."Conserva...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 11, 2025 :  Dear Residents, Snow is coming, but trash and recycling collection is still on! Crews may take longer due to weather and safety precautions. If we miss your pickup, keep the lid on your bin and leave it out—we’ll get to you as soon as we can. If not collected by 5 PM, call 311. Thanks for your patience! Best, Baltimore City DPW
Nichum AveilimNichum Aveilim Aveilim
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with former White House senior adviser Jared Kushner during his visit to Washington last week, Axios reports. The pair discussed a number of issues including US President Donald Trump’s controversial plan for the takeover of the Gaza Strip, the report says, citing senior officials familiar with the meeting. Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, was reportedly a driving force behind Trump’s plan and was involved in crafting the announcement on the matter, which the president made alongside Netanyahu at a White House press briefing. Kushner had appeared to hint at the plan —  which involves emptying the Strip of its residents and turning it into “the Riviera of the Middle East” — in a speech...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 11, 2025 – Stay informed about snow plow progress in Baltimore City and Baltimore County with these essential tracking tools. During snowfall, local and state crews work to clear roads, but plowing times vary based on snow accumulation. For real-time updates on plowing in your area, click the links below: 🔹 Track Snow Plows in Baltimore City🔹 Track Snow Plows in Baltimore County According to the State Highway Administration, plowing takes approximately:✔ 24 hours if snowfall is under 6 inches✔ 48 hours if snowfall is over 6 inches✔ Longer for heavy snowfall, with priority given to main roads ⚠️ Reminder: The county does not plow State roads, private roads, or alleys
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Influenza rates are very high in Maryland as a second wave of seasonal flu is putting pressure on doctors’ offices and urgent care clinics nationwide, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu cases were “high” or “very high” in 45 states and jurisdictions for the week ended Feb. 1 and are continuing to increase, the agency said. Nearly a third of the tests for flu were positive during the reporting period. In Maryland, 11.6 percent of emergency department visits were because of influenza, the Maryland Department of Health said for the week ending Feb. 1. Of 3,156 residents hospitalized because of the flu, there have been six adult deaths and one pediatric death. Flu activity previously pe...
Washington, D.c. - Feb. 11, 2025 - US President Donald Trump and his Mideast envoy Steve Witkoff have secured the release of Marc Fogel, an American teacher who has been detained in Russia since 2021, National Security Adviser Mike Waltz announces in a statement. Waltz says Witkoff and Fogel are currently leaving Russian airspace after Witkoff and several other Trump aides traveled to Moscow in order to negotiate an exchange. Fogel’s release “serves as a show of good faith from the Russians and a sign we are moving in the right direction to end the brutal and terrible war in Ukraine,” Waltz says. “Since President Trump’s swearing-in, he has successfully secured the release of Americans detained around the world, and President Trump will continue until all A...
Classifieds Classifieds
In accordance with the situational assessment and the decision to raise the level of readiness in the Southern Command, it was decided to increase reinforcements with additional troops, including reservists. The reinforcements of troops and mobilization of reservists are being carried out in preparation for various scenarios.
Tel Aviv, Israel - Feb. 11, 2025  - The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday evening officially announced the cessation of negotiations for the second stage of the ceasefire deal with the Hamas terror group. Under the ceasefire agreement, Hamas will return Israelis kidnapped during the October 7 massacre in exchange for Israel's release of terrorists, including some who are serving life sentences. Israel has also ceased strikes on Hamas in Gaza, and withdrew from key areas, including the Netzarim Corridor. A diplomatic source noted that the decision to cease talks for the second stage, which would include additional Israeli withdrawals and compromises, as well as the release of young men who were taken hostage, Hamas violated the agreement "and therefo...
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