Egyptian sources have claimed that a new Israeli delegation will arrive in Cairo in the coming hours, Al Akhbar reported Tuesday morning.

According to the report, the delegation will bring Israel's agreement to hold negotiations for a ceasefire and begin implementing a prisoner swap deal - on condition that a timeline is agreed upon in the coming days.

Egypt estimates that such a deal would take effect at the beginning of next week, if all goes as planned, Al Akhbar added. This is due to the heavy pressure the US is placing on Israel, as well as the regional diplomatic processes which support that pressure.

At the same time, Egypt is concerned that "the Israeli government will not commit to a ceasefire" after some of the hostages are released. Al Akhbar reported that Egypt and Qatar have demanded that Hamas not carry out any terror attacks within Israel, in exchange for an oral US promise to bring about the end of the war and prevent its renewal.... Read More: Arutz-7