Baltimore, MD - Mar. 20, 2024 - Not long ago, Mesivta Shaarei Chaim was created with a vision. That vision was to design and develop an environment of a supportive and dedicated faculty attuned to the intricacies and כוחות of each בחור. Such an atmosphere should then empower every תלמיד to achieve excellence in learning and genuine growth.
Rosh Mesivta Harav Daniel Wilhelm שליט"א, together with Menahel Rav Yona Yaakov Lapidus שליט"א, have been focused on this vision from the start.
In a few short years, with tremendous סייעתא דשמיא, we have already seen many of our goals for our בחורים materialize. This growth in ascending the ladder of עבודת השם, which occurs in a supportive and nurturing סביבה, ultimately lays the groundwork for a life of true שמחת החיים and for emerging into an outstanding בן תורה. We are witness to the success that our remarkable Rabbeim (including Rav Yisrael Meir Lebovits, Rav Avraham Yeshaya Rayman, Rav Yehoshua Dov Goldberger, Rav Noam Hinberg, Rav Chaim Dovid Lapidus and Rav Ari Jager) have observed as they engage their תלמידים on a daily basis.
Rabbi Gershon Riselsheimer, Principal of our General Studies department, leads the way for our capable staff of בני תורה who are knowledgeable in their fields and serve as role models of מידות טובות and השקפות ישרות. In a caring way, they preserve our ideals as they provide a comprehensive secular education.
Your partnering in this endeavor to further enable our תלמידים to continue to escalate to greater heights will allow the Mesivta to ascend to our next stage of growth. Please participate in enabling Mesivta Shaarei Chaim to continue ascending toward new heights.
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