During Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operations in the Gaza Strip, a group of Palestinian men surrendered to the Israeli soldiers, which has become a recurring occurrence. In the latest, a video surfaced of a man passionately pleading for the end of Hamas, a terrorist organization that has de-facto ruled the coastal enclave for over a decade.

"For 17 years we have been waiting, for 17 years we have bene living under exploitation (by Hamas)," a surrendering Palestinian man stated passionately.

"When you arrived we were waiting for you at home because we live in peace and want to live in peace. If we were guilty of something, we would have left our homes. We lived in peace in our homes," he continued.

"I swear to God we have been waiting for you to free us from the oppression of Hamas. Our children are hungry, our women are begging in the streets," the man pleaded.... Read More: i24