Kane Tanaka, the world’s oldest living person, turns 119 today. She was born on January 2nd 1903. She is the third verified person ever to reach an age of 119 or more. Recently a Turkish grandmother claimed to have reached the age of 119, despite eating butter and cheese as well as a boiled egg every day. However Tanaka is still the oldest verified person alive.

Last year Tanaka was slated to carry the Olympic torch when it passed through her home city of Fukuoka in Southern Japan but due to a surge of COVID-19 cases in the country she elected not to hold the torch.

Tanaka was born as Kane Ota on 2 January 1903 in the village of Wajiro (now part of Higashi-ku, Fukuoka), on the southern island of Kyushu, the third daughter and seventh child of her parents, Kumayoshi and Kuma Ota. Kane was born prematurely and raised on breast milk. Kane’s early childhood was during the last years of the Meiji period, which ended when she was nine, in 1912. Kane married her cousin Hideo Tanaka in 1922, with whom she had two sons and two daughters. The couple also adopted a third daughter during their marriage, the second daughter of Hideo’s sister. Kane’s daughters died in infancy and her adoptive daughter also died young but she has five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren from her other children. Her husband died in 1993 after 71 years of marriage.

Kane herself survived pancreatic cancer at age 45 and colorectal cancer at age 103, crediting her faith in God, family, sleep, hope, eating good food, and practicing mathematics for her longevity.... Read More: Vosizneias.com