Brooklyn, NY - The ballot may come down to Donald versus Hillary, but a Youtube video released today by Assemblyman Dov Hikind suggests that the bigger question for many Americans may be “which is the lesser of two evils?”

Hikind said that he has been bombarded with questions about who to vote for from those who find neither candidate to be a palatable choice.

“Literally everywhere I go people are asking me,” Hikind told VIN News. “The average person is conflicted and more and more people who would have voted Republican are saying that they will vote for a third party candidate. The reality is we have to vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump because voting for a different candidate is a wasted vote.”

Hikind, a Democrat, stated unequivocally that he has no choice but to vote Republican in the November 8th election.

“Hillary Clinton is not an option for me,” said Hikind. “I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton and it would take hours to give all the reasons why.”

Hikind made it clear that he is voting for Trump only by default, criticizing the candidate for his thoughtless comments, his vague position on Israel and his repeated flip-flopping on numerous other issues, leaving Americans wondering what Trump really believes in.

“I want people to be honest about Trump,” said Hikind. “If you want to be for Trump, fine but don’t tell me he is wonderful. Tell me you are going to vote for him but tell me you are scared out of your wits, that you don’t know if you can trust him on any level.  We live in a dangerous world we don’t want a president who will make it more dangerous.”

Hikind is hoping that his video will start a dialogue about the election and has invited people to share their thoughts via email at, on YouTube or on social media with the hashtag #HikindOnTrump. He acknowledged his remarks are controversial but said he believes that he is giving voice to what so many others are thinking.

“All I am saying is let’s be honest about who he is and about the choice we have to make,” said Hikind.  “You don’t have to drive around with a Trump bumper sticker showing that you are so proud to be voting for Trump. We may have to vote for him but we are going to be doing it holding our noses.”