Baltimore, MD - Oct. 20, 2016 - Eighth Day and Beri Weber headlined Menucha’s annual Chol Hamoed Succos concert. And for the children of Menucha, it was their night to shine like stars!

Headliners Eighth Day and Beri Weber brought simchas hachag and even previewed a brand new, not yet released song. The audience was treated to a rare and inspiring glimpse of a Menucha family. A video presented the family, enabling a “behind the scenes” look in the complexities of caring for a special needs child, including the challenges, trials, and joys.

The overall enthusiasm of the audience was even noted by the performers. The highlight of the night was the finale when the children of Menucha went up on stage with the Eighth Day and took their rightful place in the spotlight. Menucha thanks Mrs. Rivka Danziger and Mrs. F.M. Sofer for coordinating this amazing event.

The supports that the children receive are made possible by the kindness of the Baltimore community. To donate, volunteer, or to learn more about Menucha, go to