Baltimore, MD – Feb. 4, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of R’ Ephraim Rubin, z’l, father of Yechiel (Rochelle) Rubin, Brenda (Moshe) Sherman, Rochell (Dovid) Hoffman, and Moshe Meir (Shoshana) Rubin

Shiva,  through Wednesday morning, will be observed at 3404 Fallstaff Rd. Baltimore, MD, 21215 beginning with Mincha on friday at 2:00PM


Friday Mincha 2:00pm
Maariv Motzei Shabbos 6:30pm
Sunday Shachris 8:00am
Weekday Mincha / Maariv 5:15pm
Weekday Shachris 7:00am

Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…