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Biden And GOP Rush To Finalize Debt Ceiling Deal, Shore Up Support To Prevent Default
By: AP

With days to spare before a potential first-ever government default, President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday were finalizing a deal to raise the nation’s debt ceiling while trying to wrangle enough Republican and Democratic votes to pass the measure in the coming week.

McCarthy and his negotiators tried to portray the deal as delivering for Republicans though it fell well short of the sweeping spending cuts they sought. Top White House officials were phoning Democratic lawmakers to try and shore up support.

With days to spare before a potential first-ever government default, President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday were finalizing a deal to raise the nation’s debt ceiling while trying to wrangle enough Republican and Democratic votes to pass the measure in the coming week.

The compromise announced late Saturday includes spending cuts but risks angering some lawmakers as they take a closer look at the concessions. McCarthy and Biden were set to put the finishing touches on the agreement in a midafternoon call once the final legislative text was drafted. Biden told reporters at the White House upon his return from Delaware that he was confident the plan will make it to his desk and that no sticking points remained.

The days ahead will determine whether Washington is again able to narrowly avoid a default on U.S. debt, as it has done many times before, or whether the global economy enters a potential crisis.

A U.S. default could shatter the $24 trillion market for Treasury debt, cause financial markets to freeze up and spark an international financial crisis. In the United States, analysts say millions of jobs would vanish, borrowing and unemployment rates would jump, and a stock-market plunge could erase trillions of dollars in household wealth.... Read More: KKTV

Baltimore, MD – Oct. 22, 2024 – In today’s world, having packages delivered to our homes has become a way of life. Unfortunately, incidents of package theft from doorsteps have been on the rise, with individuals actively seeking out unattended deliveries. Even visible porch cameras don’t always deter criminals, so it’s important to bring packages inside as soon as possible. However, what should be done when packages are delivered on Shabbos or Yom Tov? Please be aware that Rabbi Heinemann and Rabbi Hopfer have stated it is permissible to kick a package into your house using your foot or feet on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Wishing everyone a safe and joyous Yom Tov and Shabbos.
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Oct. 15, 2024:Dear friends,We are truly overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity shown by the beautiful Baltimore Jewish community. Baltimore is, and always was, a city of chesed (kindness), and R' Dovid and I are proud to have grown up there. May this year bring growth, happiness, prosperity, and peace to all of you, to Am Yisroel, and to the world.Thank you for being by our side. Rochel Frid (née Reich) on behalf of R' Dovid and the family. Donate Now: https://bit.ly/SavingRavDovid Rochel Frid has been fighting a battle that no one should face alone. Her husband, a kind and loving father, is battling life with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), a cruel disease that has robbed him of his ability to move, speak, and live independently. Despite the tremend...
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Baltimore, MD – Oct. 21, 2024  - It is with regret and profound sorrow that Baltimore Jewish Life  (BJL) informs the community of the petira of  Rabbi Yehuda Leib Newmark, z’l, husband of Marla Newmark, father of M’nucha (Ari) Bialik, Ali (Josh) Adler, Chaim Newmark, A”H, Batya (Noach) Burr, Tova (Shai) Scherer, Chana (Doniel) Tisser, Izy (Leah) Newmark, Yonah (Miriam) Newmark, Binyomin (Hindy) Newmark, Simcha (Miri) Newmark, Shimmy (Shoshana) Newmark and brother of Frances Agress.Shiva will be observed through Thursday morning, Oct.31 at 3400 Seven Mile Lane, Baltimore, MD, 21208:Maariv Motzei Shabbos - 7:05PMStarting Sunday morning:Shacharis - 7:30AMMincha - 1:30PMMaariv - 9:00PMPMShiva visiting times: 7:30AM - 12:00 Noon; 1:00PM - 5:00PM; and ...
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Baltimore, MD - Sept. 22, 2024 -  As always, Shabsi's Judaica looks forward to assisting you with all your Yom Tov needs. Click on the graphic below for a larger, printable version of Shabsi's Judaica Yom Tov season schedule!
Cottage cheese, dated the day before the massacre of October 7th. “How do you think they feel, having 10 sweaty, smelly soldiers living in their house?” she asked. * * * I’m no historian, but I remembered learning something about soldiers taking over private homes for their own use. The details, however, were elusive. I guess I should have paid more attention in American History class, but thankfully Professor Google quickly refreshed me on the particulars. With apologies to my British daughter-in-law, it seems that 11 years before the American Revolution, the British passed the Quartering Act, which required the Colonists to provide housing and provisions to the British soldiers in their towns, at their own expense. While it’s popularly believed that thi...
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Baltimore, MD - Oct. 22, 2024 - Almost one year ago, nearly 300,000 American supporters of Israel rallied together on the Mall in Washington to free the hostages, support Israel, and fight antisemitism. None of these issues have been resolved and we must continue to Stand Together and make our voices heard. On Sunday afternoon, November 10th, we will Stand Together in Washington at Nationals Park.• 12 PM: Doors open• 1 PM: Programming begins and concession stands open• 3 PM: Main program begins• 5 PM: Program ends Register Now We need to be there to demonstrate that one year later we are Standing Together with Israel, for the hostages, and against antisemitism. We need to be there to demonstrate that one year later we are Standing Together to express our gratitud...
Going back in time to when Rabbi Tzvi Holland from Star-K Kosher Certification explained the significance of the sukkah—a temporary hut that reminds us of God's protection when the Israelites left Egypt. Rabbi Holland shared insights about living in the sukkah for a week to connect with God through eating, sleeping, and gathering in this special space. We also explored the unique objects associated with Sukkot, such as the etrog, a citron fruit that's integral to the holiday. You'll learn about its origins, particularly from Calabria, Italy, and why it’s considered pure and un-grafted, making it fit for the mitzvah. Also, discover the symbolism behind the four species used during Sukkot: the etrog (heart), lulav (spine), myrtle (eyes), and willow (lips). Each...
Annapolis, MD - Oct. 22, 2024  - Wes Moore, the governor of Maryland, announced late last week that close to $1 Million from $60.5 million in both federal and state funds would be given as grants to Jewish organizations in Maryland to increase services for those who have been victimized by crime. Among those funded, the Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital received $161,870; The Associated (Jewish Federation of Baltimore) received $220,670; and the Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse received $464,761. Combined, the funds totaled $847,301. “In partnership, we are reaffirming our commitment to supporting victims of crime and ensuring that every Marylander has access to the resources they need to heal and seek justice,” Moore said...
A survey published by the YouGov public opinion research institute, in collaboration with the Saudi Arabian Arab News newspaper, found that former President Donald Trump currently has a surprising advantage among Arab-American voters who intend to vote in the upcoming US elections. According to the survey, 45% of Arab-American voters are planning to vote for Trump; in comparison to 43% who are planning to vote for Harris. Despite the calls for boycotting the elections, 87% of respondents said that they intend to vote in the elections which are due to be held in two weeks. Eighty percent of them stated that "our voice has an impact" and consider it important to vote for one of the candidates. Seven percent are still debating whether to vote at all, while 6% said they w...
Parsha Hashavua
Rabbi Zvi Teichman: Dancing Amid the Darkness

We are about to enter זמן שמחתנו — the time of our gladness. Yet we are still reeling from the horrific events that began nearly a year ago, and are still occurring daily, that make it so difficult to rejoice.

We will soon read over Sukkos from Koheles, where King Solomon speaks of aעת ספוד — time to wail, and a עת רקוד — time to dance. These two periods are contrasted as conflicting with each other, intimating they cannot coexist.

There is a fascinating assertion made by two very diverse schools of thought.

Both the Netziv, the famed Rosh HaYeshivah of Volozhin, and the great Chassidic master, the Holy Kohen of Lublin, Reb Tzadok, teach that on Sukkos there is an injunction to dance!

Although all the holidays are referred in the Torah as חגים — festivals — Chag HaPesach; Chag HaShavuos; Chag HaSukkos, nevertheless Sukkos is the only one where the verse tells us 'For seven days תחג — shall you celebrate', as a directive.

Is this merely a synonym for joy?

The word חוג literally means to encircle, an allusion to dancing which often is expressed by people dancing together in a circle.

King David in Tehillim uses as a metaphor for people on a ship tossed about in a stormy sea:  תחגו — they reeled and staggered like a drunken man, twirling about in his stupor. (107 27)

These great sages both reveal that on Sukkos in addition to שמחה — being joyous, one must also תחג — dance!

There is though a subtle divergence in the approaches of these two giants.

Reb Tzadok sees in the simile of the 'dancing drunkard' the essence of this mitzva.

One who subjects himself completely to the will of G-d, removing inhibition, when sensing joy in one's relationship with G-d will instinctively break out in unbridled and unabashed dancing.

This is our mission on Sukkos, to quash our selfish attitudes and interests and focus purely on honoring G-d.  

The Netziv on the other hand asserts that independent of our being in a state of joy, one must push oneself to dance nevertheless, displaying our confidence in our good fortune in having been victorious in our judgment on Rosh Hashana.

Perhaps the outer expression will arouse within us the inner joy our soul inevitably senses and explode in genuine happiness.

One who can connect to this idea can see even in the worst of times the joy of fulfilling G-d's will even when it may be purposely painful, believing that everything that comes our way is meant for our soul's greater benefit. Something we may not be able to fathom now, but one day it will be revealed how joyous it really is.

The saintly father of the Belzer Rebbe of today, The Rav of Bilguraya, Rav Mordechai Rokeach related what he had observed in the dark days he spent in the Cracow ghetto.

Many had already lost their loved ones. Their lives hung daily by a thread, fearful of what the next moment may bring.

As he was walking through the alleyways of the ghetto he heard singing. He followed the sounds to discover it was emanating from a cellar on the outskirts of the ghetto.

He opens the door and cannot believe his eyes. A group of ten young Chassidim are dancing in a circle with enthusiasm, in what inconceivably appears to be joy amid the darkness outside.

Astounded, he was beside himself. Here he was an adult, the son of a Rebbe, having absorbed much Torah and chassidus over many years, and yet he was broken and shattered from the tragedies around him. Yet these young fellows were exuberant. Where did they draw their strength from, he wondered, to cleave so joyously to G-d under these terrifying and depressing circumstances.

One of the young men, who appeared to be less than thirteen, seeing his distress calls out to the Rav, "Reb Yid, doesn't our Creator want something from us even now, so why not then do His will with joy?"

He reached out for the Rav's hand, bringing him into the circle and danced with them.

The Rav survived the war, and later discovered that these young Gerrer Chassidim subsequently perished amidst their 'dance of joy'.

We have a tough job ahead, but evidently our beloved Father in Heaven believes we are up to the task. Even amid our wailing over the state of the hostages; the fate of those who perished; their loved ones who are suffering; the plight of those wounded; the many families displaced from their homes, we can muster a moment of pure submission to grab each other's hands and dance over our privilege to serve G-d with joy.

May G-d see our struggle to express our closeness to Him and bring us all finally home.

חג שמח


צבי יהודה טייכמאן

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Jerusalem, Israel - Oct. 22, 2024 - Every year, an "open sukkah" is held at the Israeli President's Residence on Chol HaMoed Sukkot, a time for Israeli citizens to meet the president and enjoy family and festive activities.  Due to the ongoing security situation, President Isaac Herzog celebrated the holiday differently by inviting the youth evacuated from the north and south under the title, "Youth Build an Israeli Tomorrow." The event began on Tuesday morning, the 22nd of Tishre, October 22, and was part of the project "Exchanging Words - The President's Initiatives for a Common Israeli Tomorrow", which deals with reducing polarization and increasing social cohesion and resilience. The day began with inspiring talks by the Olympic medal-winning Juduko ath...
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Baltimore, MD – Oct. 21, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life  (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mr. Eli Schuck, z’l, father of  Mr. Moshe (Sora Rochel) Schuck and Mrs. Yael Weiser  The levaya be held today, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024, at 3:30 PM at Sol Levinson. Kevura will take place be at the Aguda cemetery in Rosedale. Shiva will be observed after yom tov; details to follow   Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
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Baltimore, MD – Oct. 22, 2024  - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yehuda Zev & Chaya Tendler on the birth of a son. Mazel Tov grandparents Rabbi Aron & Aliza Tendler and Mr. and Mrs. Reuven Meth יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Simchat Torah 1929 Rav Kook’s talmidim gathered in his yeshiva. It was Simchat Torah, but they wondered what the day would be like. The year was 1929, and the Arab riots had occurred just weeks ago. Hundreds of Jews had been killed, molested, and wounded in Chevron and other Jewish communities. There was a feeling of depression in the air — in the yeshiva and throughout the land. How would Rav Kook, Israel’s chief rabbi, approach Simchat Torah? Would it be a day of celebration or commemoration? Rav Kook opened the first hakafah with a special song about Hashem’s revenge. It inspired hope in the broken hearts, and the Simchat Torah festivities began. Simchat Torah 1939 Ten years later, the Piaseczna Rebbe, Rav Kalonymous Kalman Shapiro (also known as the Eish Kod...
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Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD - Oct. 21, 2024  - For the 7th year, thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum, director of the Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland-Chabad, a Sukka was built at Aberdeen Proving Ground. The Sukka is located in the courtyard of the main Chapel, and is available for use by the Jewish members of APG throughout the days of Chol Hamoed. JUSA hosted a Sukka Party on the third day of Chol Hamoed that was well attended by soldiers and employees of APG, were they had a chance to do the Mitzvah of Lulav and Estrog and make a Brocha in the Sukka.JUSA would like to thank the new Garrison Chaplain (MAJ), Jay June Kim and his office for all their help and assistance.
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