Baltimore, MD - Jan.19, 2022 - I am so grateful. 27 years ago today, I donated a kidney to my big sister Sara who was really ill and needed a kidney in the worst way.

My entire family tested to see if any of us were a potential match and I matched all six tests perfectly. As I like to say, they were the only tests I ever passed in my life 🙂.

At that time, kidney donations were rare. There wasn’t a lot of information to go on or people to talk to about the procedure and how it would affect your life. But there was no hesitation. I have the best big sister and I would do anything for her as she would do anything for me.

It wasn’t easy but we are both so blessed. It would have been wonderful if there had been an organization to help us through this, but there wasn’t. We were on our own.

Now, the world is so lucky and blessed to have the organization Renewal ( which provides information, resources and support relating to kidney transplants, and in doing so has saved so many lives. I am a major fan and would encourage anyone who has what it takes, to help save a life.

I say often that I am a hero to Rabbi Yakov Majeski. But it's tongue in cheek because truthfully, we are just wonderful friends. He was always inspired by my gift to my sister, and a few years ago, through Renewal, he donated a kidney to save a stranger's life.

And then the gift kept on giving. Rabbi Mo Margolies, another cherished friend and a member of the Shoresh organization for 10 years, donated a kidney to a stranger through Renewal. How beautiful! Finally - at least for the moment - one of our camp moms, Terri Rosen, followed suit and went through Renewal to donate one of her kidneys to save a stranger's life.

Please watch this brief video below that celebrates so many donations that were made possible through Renewal. Maybe it will inspire you to donate to save a life or to support this organization that helps save lives every day.