Baltimore, MD - July 1, 2017 - On Tuesday evening, June 20, Bais Yaakov of Baltimore hosted their 75th Anniversary Dinner, celebrating “75 years of growing together,” and 75 years of chinuch habanos in Baltimore.

The event was emceed by Mr. Shimon Marciano, who kept the audience entertained, as he guided the program along efficiently and smoothly. He marveled at the success of the school, which takes four-year-old girls, and turns them into confident, kind, modest, and ehrlich young women.  In the past 75 years, Bais Yaakov has graduated 2034 students, kein yirbu.

Harav Yaakov Hopfer, member of the Vaad Hachinuch, delivered divrei brachah. He related that recently, two young women, graduates of Bais Yaakov were in his office to discuss a new project they were spearheading. While in the office, they overheard the beautiful kol Torah, the rischa d’Oraisa, of the Shearith Israel Kollel. They commented to each other, “Listen to that beautiful music.”

Rav Hopfer asserted, “I shed a tear when I heard those words.  This is the sweet music of our bnos Yisroel! These are the hopes and dreams of their lives. These are the accomplishments of Bais Yaakov!”

Dr. Shmuel Markowitz, president of Bais Yaakov, then addressed the audience. “For 75 years, our school has provided a quality Bais Yaakov education to the girls of Baltimore.  With a current enrollment of approximately 1600 girls and 378 staff members, the school continues to expand to meet the growth of the community. “

A video presentation paid tribute to three special members of the Bais Yaakov family, upon their recent retirements. Rabbi Mendel Freedman was the long-time and beloved Elementary School Principal. On the video, Harav Hopfer attested, “Rabbi Freedman has molded and inspired literally thousands of Bnos Yisroel in such a beautiful way.  His dedication, sensitivity, warmth and concern, has made such a special impact on them. “

Mrs. Bailke Blumberg, dedicated business manager for 32 years. Rabbi Zalman Nissel, CEO, described the quality, honesty, and integrity that permeates the Bais Yaakov Business office, greatly influenced by the guidance of Mrs. Blumberg.

Mrs. Shoshana Shuman was the beloved pre-school director for many years, a position she carried out with grace, dignity, and cheer, while lovingly molding her precious students.

Additionally, the video shared memories of Mrs. Elky Kleiner, a”h, a very special teacher and a very special person, who was nifterah this past Motzoei Yom Kippur.

A second video presented a nostalgic recounting of the history of Bais Yaakov of Baltimore, from its humble beginning in 1942, to its glorious present.

Rabbi Zalman Nissel, CEO of Bais Yaakov, then announced the Smith Avenue Expansion Project, designed to provide crucially needed additional classroom space for the growing school. The new building will feature a significant Middle School expansion, which will include 21 classrooms on three floors, providing more space for the middle school, the fifth grade which will be moved to that campus, as well as some high school classrooms.

“How is this happening?” questioned Rabbi Nissel. “It is happening due to the generosity of the family of Mrs. Laure Gutman, a”h, who was an integral part of the middle school for so many years. Mrs. Gutman was driven by a special personality – she was driven to care for her students, their parents, and her colleagues, and driven to make Bais Yaakov shine.  Her family is driven to honor her legacy, and took the first step to make the project a success. Our gratitude to them is eternal and profound.”

The final speaker of the evening was Rabbi Aaron Gross, newly appointed Director of Development, who referred to Mr. Abie Gutman and family as the Nachshon ben Aminadav of this campaign.  He then also recalled Mrs. Gutman’s devotion to Bais Yaakov, and thanked the family for their generosity, which will ensure that Mrs. Gutman will be remembered in the halls of Bais Yaakov Middle School.

Rabbi Gross also shared that, b’siyatta diShmaya, more than half of the ten million dollars needed for the building has already been raised in pledges, and about half of those pledges are being kept anonymous, as the donors are not seeking kovod and dedications. “The friends of Bais Yaakov of Baltimore are sincerely interested in laying the foundation for the nitzchiyus of Klal Yisrael,” Rabbi Gross asserted.

Thus ended a beautiful evening, which truly celebrated the nitzchiyus of Klal Yisrael, as it remembered the past, honored the present, and looked toward its glorious future, b’siyatta diShmaya.