Baltimore, MD – Jan.5, 2016 -Excitement is building for the Exhibit 2017 at Bais Yaakov of Baltimore High School. Past Exhibits have proven to be amazing displays of creativity and artistic talents, as well as extremely enriching educational experiences, and this one promises to be no different.
The theme of this year’s Exhibit is “Eishes Chayil: Guardians of Our Glory,” and will feature a celebration of women in Tanach, including the Imahos and the seven Nevios. Various middos corresponding to each of these distinguished women will be also highlighted. In addition, the entryway to the Exhibit will connect each of the pesukim of the Eishes Chayil with one of the nshei haTanach, based on the Medrash Socher Tov.
"I don't know of any other educational experience that provides such an incredible outlet and gives all the students a chance to shine," says Mrs. Elise Wolf, General Studies Principal of Bais Yaakov High School, and Exhibit Coordinator. "Preparing the exhibit allows the girls to grow as individuals and as a group, fostering creativity and leadership skills. The end result is an amazing display of the power of the Klal, and the girls are very proud of each other."
The girls have been working very hard in preparation for the Exhibit. Research began last summer, as girls combed Medrashim and other sources for information on the Nshei Chayil. In the past few weeks, the entire school has gotten involved and is feverishly preparing. Many students are staying in school late, investing hours and hours into the project.
Students Exhibit heads are Elka Schwartz and Daniella Attar. “Everyone is working very hard,” reported Elka on Motzoei Shabbos. “Right now, we see lots of fabric on the walls, giant murals are being painted, sequins are being attached to posters, and parent volunteers are helping to build platforms. We are trying to get everyone involved and are keeping a positive atmosphere.” For a high school with close to 400 students, that is no small feat.
The Exhibit will b’ezras Hashem open from 7:30 - 10:00 PM on Sunday evening, January 8 at Bais Yaakov High School 6302 Smith Ave, Baltimore, MD 21209.
The schedule is as follows:
On Sunday, January 15, general public from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM and from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM.
There will be men’s only hours on Sunday from 4:30 to 6:00 PM.
On Monday, January 16, 5 PM - 10 PM,
Wednesday, January 18, hours will be from 7:30 to 10:00 PM.
Final hours will be on Motzoei Shabbos, January 21, from 7:30 to 11:00 PM.
In addition, a musical cantata will be presented at specified times.
Additional hours for pre-arranged private groups are also available. For more information, please contact or 443-548-7700 extension 9130.