Baltimore, MD – Mar. 21, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira Rabbi Eliyahu Fink, z’l, husband of Tova Fink (nee Pepper), father of Romi Fink, Azzi Fink, and Manny  Fink, son of Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron & Bassie Fink and brother of Adina Schonfeld, Gila Spira and Yisrael Fink, Rabbi Michoel Fink, Rabbi Yehoshua (Shubi) Fink (Israel), and Batsheva Freilich (Israel).

Click here to watch Livestream of the Levayah in Eretz Yisrael to begin approximately 9:00-9:15AM (Baltimore)  3:00-3:15PM (Israel)

Video begins at 10:43


Kevura is scheduled to take place on Monday, March 24 @1:00PM at Eretz Hachaim in Beit Shemesh

Adina Schonfeld, Gila Spira and Yisrael Fink will begin sitting shiva after the Levaya at 9 Roble Road, Suffern, NY 10901 through Tuesday.

The entire family will be sitting shiva at 17 Coe Farm from Wednesday until Shabbos.


Shacharis through Tuesday: 7:00AM.

Mincha/Maariv : 7:00PM.

 Bila Hamaves Lanetzach…