Annapolis, MD - March 6, 2025 - As revenue from the fuel tax declines, legislators are grappling with how to fund transportation projects. One proposed solution is to charge drivers by the mile.
Recently, Maryland completed a four-month pilot program to test the feasibility of this approach. Now, a bill is under consideration in the General Assembly that would establish a highway use fee while offering drivers the option to participate in a voluntary Mileage-Based User Fee (MBUF) program.
“This legislation would replace the newly passed EV registration fee, that surcharge, and would also include those vehicles that are considered high efficient vehicles, which is above 25 [miles per gallon],” explained Trish Hendren, the executive director of the Eastern Transportation Coalition.
To address funding shortages, lawmakers passed an annual $125 surcharge for electric vehicles last year. The proposed bill, HB1457, aims to repeal this surcharge and replace it with a highway use fee.... Read More: WMAR2NEWS