Baltimore, MD - Feb. 18, 2025 - According to Baltimore City Councilman Yitzy Schleifer, Baltimore City’s emergency medical care system is experiencing an emergency of its own.

“I think it’s a matter of life and death,” he said. “Across the board, we have a high call volume and we're short staffed, and so, when our EMS personnel are standing in the hallways of ambulance bays at hospitals for extended period of time, that's keeping them from saving the lives of patients out on the street.”

At a recent hearing with Baltimore City’s Fire Department, frustrations were raised over the amount of time ambulances spent held up at area hospitals. Between the time an ambulance arrives and leaves a hospital, the fire department says 30 minutes is the national standard, but in Baltimore City, “It really runs us about 50 minutes to an hour,” fire officials said.

Earlier this month, fire officials said Sinai Hospital of Baltimore held them the longest, averaging 70 minute drop off times.... Read More: FOX45