The Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich signed today (Monday) an additional lien of 320 million shekels from the Palestinian Authority's liquidation funds in favor of the families of terror victims.

This is the latest in a series of liens on funds from the Palestinian Authority, which prevents it from using the funds and designates the authority's funds for victims of terrorism and their families.

"There is no more moral and just signature than to prevent the Palestinian Authority from funding terrorism, and to garnish its funds for the benefit of the families of terror victims. This is a necessary step in our national struggle against terrorism and against the Palestinian Authority that encourages it,'' Smotrich declared.

"This turnabout joins the Gaza payroll deductions, the freeze on payments to terrorists, and a host of other measures I have taken in accordance with the uncompromising policy I have pursued since my entry into office. We are drying up the sources of funding for the encouragement of terrorism and not allowing the Palestinian Authority to use its funds to continue incitement and bloodshed. I will continue to act resolutely for the security of the citizens of Israel."... Read More: Arutz-7