Baltimore, MD - Jan. 23, 2025 - Baltimore's Board of Estimates has approved a significant increase in water and sewage rates, amounting to a 30% hike over the next 18 months, despite widespread public opposition. The decision follows two hours of complaints from residents who argue they cannot afford the increase.
"Baltimore City residents cannot afford even a $12 rate hike," one resident said during the hearing. Another added, "Some residents are being billed more than 10% of their income."
The rate hike is intended to fund critical infrastructure projects and comply with a federal consent decree that the city's Department of Public Works (DPW) has been under for over a decade. Public works officials insist the increase is essential, citing years of neglect.
"We are really talking about several generations of what I've said they've kicked the can down the road, and no one's happy about it," a city leader said.... Read More: FOX45