Philadelphia, PA - Jan. 1, 2025 - It is with a heavy heart and deep sadness that we announce the petira of the Nadvorna Rebbe of Philadelphia, Grand Rabbi Solomon Isaacson - Harav Chaim Shulem ben Moreinu Harav Meir זצוק״ל.

The Rebbe was a pillar of the Philadelphia Jewish community for over 55 years, profoundly shaping its growth and helping it flourish into the vibrant, close-knit community we cherish today. His phone and doorbell rang day and night with those seeking his guidance, help, and care. Whether it was spiritual support, financial assistance, or simply a listening ear, the Rebbe was always there, offering his wisdom and compassion to all who came to him.

Throughout his life, the Rebbe’s focus was on giving—of himself, his resources, and his time. He was a source of strength and support for countless individuals, impacting lives in ways big and small. Later in life, it was the Rebbe’s encouragement and guidance that inspired the creation of House of Kosher. Recognizing the community’s need for Kosher food, he pushed us to act, ensuring this essential resource would be available to all.

The Rebbe’s warm, loving, and supportive presence was the heart of our community. His impact will be felt for generations to come, and his absence will be deeply mourned by all who were privileged to know him.

Levaya took place at 11:00 am, this morning at Congregation Beth Solomon - 198 Tomlinson Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19116.