The Israel Police has revealed that about a month ago it foiled an attempt to carry out a terrorist attack in one of the cities in the south of the country.

An illegal resident, a 17-year-old from Hebron, was arrested on suspicion of intending to carry out a stabbing attack in a synagogue after the police received intelligence information to that effect.

The police began a search of the area, located the suspect who attempted to flee, and arrested him after a foot chase and the firing of shots into the air by the police.

Chief Superintendent Baruch Honig said "We are acting with all the might of the Israel Police against anyone who employs, houses, or transports illegal residents and thereby aids our enemies and harms the security of the state. We will not allow economic considerations to prevail over the security interest and we will act against any element that harms the security of the citizens of Israel. I am proud of the station's policemen for their daily activities and for preventing a terrorist attack and saving lives."... Read More: Arutz-7