Baltimore, MD - Sept. 1, 2024  - As the month of Elul and the Yomim Noraim quickly approach, now is the perfect time to reevaluate. With internet devices and their distractions being ever-present in our lives, what better way to enhance our spiritual lives and reconnect with what’s important than to make a Kabolah, a pledge to limit our online interactions?

Small, measurable, and attainable goals can make a significant impact. Consider committing to one or more of the following through Yom Kippur:

  • Strengthening your filter settings
  • Removing an app you frequently use
  • Turning off your phone during dinner
  • Putting your phone aside during in-person interactions
  • Designating a specific room in your home for online activities
  • Leaving your phone outside the room or Shul when Davening

            or create your own custom goal!

Each small step you take communicates your dedication to reconnecting with others, yourself, and your productivity, ultimately fostering a deeper connection with G-d Himself.

To encourage these commitments, TAG Baltimore's Project Screenfree is offering a raffle for those who take on at least one pledge between Elul and Yom Kippur. Prizes include a full set of Artscroll Machzorim, a beautiful Shofar, a stunning Succah tapestry, and more. Register today at, or call 410-449-1824, to join the Baltimore community in disconnecting to reconnect!