Now is the Time to Upgrade

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 09/07/24

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 1, 2024  - As the month of Elul and the Yomim Noraim quickly approach, now is the perfect time to reevaluate. With internet devices and their distractions being ever-present in our lives, what better way to enhance our spiritual lives and reconnect with what’s important than to make a Kabolah, a pledge to limit our online interactions?

Small, measurable, and attainable goals can make a significant impact. Consider committing to one or more of the following through Yom Kippur:

            or create your own custom goal!

Each small step you take communicates your dedication to reconnecting with others, yourself, and your productivity, ultimately fostering a deeper connection with G-d Himself.

To encourage these commitments, TAG Baltimore's Project Screenfree is offering a raffle for those who take on at least one pledge between Elul and Yom Kippur. Prizes include a full set of Artscroll Machzorim, a beautiful Shofar, a stunning Succah tapestry, and more. Register today at, or call 410-449-1824, to join the Baltimore community in disconnecting to reconnect!