On a July 7th episode of “Eyes on Israel,” Rabbi Pesach Wolicki and special guest Rabbi Yaakov Menken of the Coalition for Jewish Values discussed Louisiana’s controversial new law requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom. The law has ignited nationwide backlash, including opposition from progressive Jewish groups, leading to a federal lawsuit.

Rabbi Wolicki contextualized this “resistance” as part of a broader, alarming trend. He emphasized a crucial connection: “Right now in America, the biblical underpinnings of Western Civilization are under attack by those who despise and deny the truths of the Bible. And lo and behold, these same progressives who hate the Bible also have to hate Israel.”

Both rabbis emphatically agreed that promoting the Ten Commandments should be a central mission for the Jewish people. Wolicki cited Exodus 19, interpreting God’s description of the Israelites as a “kingdom of priests” as a divine mandate for Jews to disseminate God’s values globally.

“Displaying the Ten Commandments in classrooms across America should be celebrated and encouraged by the Jewish community, not opposed,” Wolicki asserted. The rabbis shared their concerns about the decline of Christian faith in America over recent decades. They concurred that “a more Christian, more biblically faithful America is better for everyone – Jews included.”... Read More: Israel365News