Baltimore, MD - May 4, 2023 - We remember Suburban Orthodox’s first spiritual leader, Rabbi Chaim Gevantman, Moreinu HaRav Chaim Fridel B"R Yitzchok Dov z’l, whose 41st yahrzeit is commemorated today.

Rabbi Gevantman, joined by Rebbetzin Charlotte Gevantman, z’l, served as Rabbi of Suburban from 1957-1976 and then Rabbi Emeritus until 1982 when he was niftar just days before the shul’s 25th banquet.

Rabbi Gevantman served as a chaplain during WWII, and a pulpit Rabbi in Pennsylvania when in 1957 he moved to Baltimore to become our first Rav. During this first year, Rabbi Gevantman agreed to take on the Rabbinical leadership of the new congregation without pay for one year. He dedicated his career toward the development of the congregation. As stated at the delayed 25th banquet, Rabbi Gevantman “never asked for honor, glory, or sought personal gain.” Upon dedication of the sanctuary/social hall building in 1962, Rabbi Gevantman stated in the banquet journal “The synagogue is the symbol of our immortality. When our people left Palestine and were scattered to the corners of the globe—it was the synagogue that held them together. The synagogue, for 25 centuries, has served our people as a spiritual center, a religious sanctuary, a reservoir of learning and a fortress of survival.” 

In 1984, two years after Rabbi Gevantman’s passing, the board and membership of SOC added Toras Chaim to the shul’s name in tribute to Rabbi Gevantman. Rabbi Gevantman led the development of our Shul which progressed with Rabbi Ervin Preis z’l and continues to grow with our beloved Rabbi Shmuel Silber. Our Shul now serves as an epicenter for Jewish life, Torah study and provides a holy space for self-actualization, growth bein adam l’makom (with Hashem), bein adam l’chaveiro (with others) and bein adam l’atzmo (with one-self).

May our learning provide an aliya for Moreinu Harav Chaim Fridel B”R Yitzchok Dov z’l and serve as a continued zechus for the congregation he led, Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim.