Baltimore, MD – Dec. 19, 2022 - It is with deep regret and extreme sadness that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Nechemya (Nick) Finkelstein, z’l, son of Rabbi Levi & Malka Finkelstein, husband of Dena Finkelstein, father of Josh (Naomi) Finkelstein, C. J. (Nava) Finkelstein, and Miri Finkelstein, and brother of Kalman (Gina) Finkelstein, Aron (Elisheva) Finkelstein, Yaakov (Shifi) Finkelstein, Dov (Devorah) Finkelstein, Shira (Ben) Ram and Chaya (Yossi) Weinberg.
Click here to watch a rebroadcast of the levaya at Levinson’s.
Shiva will be observed at The Towers 3041 Fallstaff Rd., Apt 106 through Thursday (and maybe Friday)
Mincha/Maariv 4:30pm.
The family will be available to be Menachem Avel until 12pm then again at 2pm-5:30 and 7:15pm-9:30pm.
From Friday morning through Tuesday Shacharis, possibly all avelim (we will update) will sit at the home of Mrs. Dena Finkelstein 3107 Bonnie, Baltimore, MD , 21208.
Friday: 9am Shacharis. Visitors 9-10:30. Friday Mincha 12:30. No visitors after 1:00.
Motzei Shabbos Maariv 5:40 pm (no visitors after 8:00pm)
Sunday/Monday: 9am Shachris , 4:30 Mincha / Maariv
Visitors: 9am- 10:30am and 4pm- 7pm
Tuesday: Shachris 9am,(Getting up from shiva after davening)
For all nichum updates click here
Bila Hamaves Lanetzach...