A group affiliated with the Women of the Wall (WoW) organization have turned to the Jerusalem Magistrate Court requesting the removal of immunity from Rav of the Kosel and Holy Sites Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, to permit him to stand trial as a result of the security inspection that they are subjected to at the Kosel Plaza.

In their petition to the court, it was written, among other things: “The rav is responsible for the Kosel Heritage Foundation, which is responsible for securing the Kosel and financing the expenses of the ushers as well as setting the standards regarding entry to the Kosel.

They said “The petitioners were required to undergo a physical examination after having undergone a thorough security check.”

The petitioners quote the High Court of Justice ruling from the beginning of the year: “It is the responsibility of the rabbi in charge of the Kosel to prevent searches of women petitioners and the like, beyond the usual security check for all the people at the Kosel.”

They women however point out they have been subjected to additional physical inspections since that High Court ruling.