MK Lapid says Israel's biggest problem is the amount of violence coming from the Palestinian Authority, says PA should work with Israel.

Opposition MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) on Saturday night spoke to The Israel Project about Friday's terror attack, in which a 19-year-old terrorist killed three Israelis and wounded a fourth during their Shabbat (Sabbath) meal, the Jerusalem Post reported.

"The biggest problem right now is the volume of incitement coming from the PA and numerous speakers in the Arab world and Israel," Lapid said, noting that the metal detectors recently placed on the Temple Mount "did not come in a vacuum" and are a "direct result" of July 14's terror attack.

In the terror attack, which took place on the Temple Mount, three terrorists murdered two Israeli policemen. Following the attack, Israel tightened security measures in the area and placed magnetometers in key places.

"The fact that people are pretending that putting metal detectors to save innocent lives is in some way an attack on Islam and freedom of prayer is terrible incitement that causes violence and death for no reason," Lapid said.

"Every country on earth would have done the same. Are we not allowed to respond and protect ourselves? That is grotesque. Last week two Israeli officers, who were Druze, not even Jewish, were killed by people who brought weapons into a holy place. And instead of telling them that this is the wrong thing to do they say that those who were killed are to blame, this is monstrous."

Lapid also said that it is in the Palestinian Authority's "best interest" is to continue working with the Israeli government.

"It's in everyone’s best interest," he said. "Both parties need to sit down and figure out how to make sure no other innocent person is killed."

Meanwhile, MK Michael Oren (Kulanu) said, "Israeli leadership has called on Palestinian leaders to return the calm. That is our expectation. The Waqf and other entities like Hamas have transformed the security measure into a religious matter, and have incited worshipers to riot violently."

The Waqf is the Jordanian trust fund in charge of the Temple Mount. They have refused to cooperate with the new security measures.

"The attacker was motivated by reports that Israeli Jews killed Palestinian youth and women. It is part of ongoing and relentless de-legitimization and incitement by Hamas and other Palestinian elements including the Palestinian Authority.

"Israel has the means, ability and will to defend ourselves. It’s better if the Palestinians help, but we can do it alone."