Four soldiers using Waze wandered into Area A under Palestinian Authority control, and were rescued without incident

Four off-duty soldiers accidentally entered PA-controlled territory near the town of Halhul in the vicinity of Hevron and needed to be rescued.

The IDF was able to pull the soldiers out without any incident.

The soldiers said that the Waze app led them astray.

This is not the first incident where soldiers relying on Waze accidentally entered Area A, the Palestinian Authority section of Judea and Samaria as delineated in the Oslo Accords. In September two soldiers using Waze accidentally entered the town of Tulkarem and were attacked with stones.

After each incident where soldiers get lost because of Waze the IDF stresses the importance of not being completely reliant on traffic apps and GPS systems, which show the shortest way between two points, but not necessarily the safest.