Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 19, 2020 -The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (COP)  led by Chairman Arthur Stark, Executive Vice Chairman Malcolm Hoenlein and CEO William Daroff are hearing from a range of Israeli political leaders and experts. The COP mission includes 100 leaders representing 50 organizations from across the American Jewish community,

On Wednesday before the closing dinner, at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem, Israel, Israeli Blue and White political party leader Benny Gantz spoke with confidence that he will be the next Prime Minister of Israel. Gantz had a similar theme in his remarks to the COP as President Reuven Rivlin - the Jewish people are one extended family. 

Answering questions concerning the possibility of Democrats gaining the Presidency in the United States in the next election, Gantz said Israel and the US have a strong bond. 

Gantz was presented with a gift and Super Bowl hat and received a warm welcome at the evening event.

The annual leadership mission began on Sunday evening with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also speaking in the Inbal ballroom. Members of the COP had a pre-mission in Saudi Arabia last week and traveled north to see the terror tunnels on Lebanon-Israel border on Tuesday. The meetings in Jerusalem will conclude on Thursday afternoon.