BEIRUT (VosIzNeias) — Islamic Jihad leader Ziad al-Nakhala spoke on the Beirut-based pan-Arab TV channel Al-Mayadeen regarding the ongoing conflict between his organization and Israel. Al-Nakhala, who is based at present in Damascus, signaled that the Islamic Jihad has plenty of time and is in no hurry to cease its fire on Israel but says that the warfare may still end “within 24 hours”. He added that the organization decided immediately after the elimination of its military commander to retaliate “with the weapons at our disposal” but stressed that “this doesn’t mean we have used all of our weapons.” He stated that “when Israel announces the cessation of studies and services, that means that the Al-Quds brigades have got their message across.”

Al-Nakhala referred to Hamas’s abstention from joining the hostilities stating simply that “We’re not criticizing anyone. We decided immediately to avenge the death of our commander. The door is open to whoever wants to join our battle with the enemy.”

In a reference to the IAF attack in Damascus Tuesday in which the son of his deputy was killed, Al-Nakhala said that “our response from Gaza to Israel includes the response to the recent Israeli aggression against Damascus.” He also noted that his deputy,Akram Ajuri, was not in the house attacked in Damascus.

Al-Nakhala also said that negotiations for an Egyptian -brokered ceasefire has started yesterday. He laid out 3 conditions for a ceasefire: 1) Israel must cease targeted assassinations 2)Israel must not fire at demonstrators for the right of return 3) Israel must implement the agreements reached in May regarding maintaining calm in the region.

Al-Nakhala promised that if these conditions are met “there will be a ceasefire within an hour” but if not “the battle will continue.” He concluded that “I expect an answer from Israel tonight” and boasted that “despite using only a minimal number of rockets, we succeeded in paralyzing a regional power.”