Jerusalem, Israel - Apr. 18, 2018 - Yom HaZikaron - Ammunition Hill, was the scene of fierce fighting during the Six-Day War in 1967. Israeli soldiers lost their lives on the battlefield. A memorial was built on the site, which today is near the neighborhood of Ramat Eshkol. 


A memorial for Jewish fallen soldiers, not Israeli, many from the United States, going back to 1948, is part of the Ammunition Hill Memorial site.  It was near this fitting memorial that a special Yom HaZikaron ceremony was held on the eve of the Israeli memorial day, April 17, 2018.


"The Sons We Lost" was the theme of the Lone Soldier Center in memory of Michael Levin ceremony. Michael Levin z"l was a lone soldier from Philadelphia who fell in Lebanon in 2006. The Levin family has supported the Lone Soldier Center (LSC), which was started by friends of Michael z"l, to support other lone soldiers who come from around the world to serve in the IDF.


Speakers were Harriet Levin, mother of Michael z"l, Evie Steinberg, mother of Sgt. Max Steinberg z"l who fell during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in 2014, and Tuvia Book, who spoke for the Singer family, about his friend Alex, who fell in 1987 in Lebanon.  Susanne Singer, mother of Lieutenant Alex Singer z"l was unable to attend.

Groups from March of the Living and JNF joined former lone soldiers, supporters and LSC volunteers in the audience. The program began with the lowering of Israeli flag and wail of memorial siren. Michael and Pat Blank were honored to light the memorial torch. The Blanks live in Boston and are parents of two lone soldiers.

Lt. Colonel Efraim Avni, Brigade Commander of the 890 Paratroopers Brigade, where Michael z"l served, said the opening Yizkor tefillah.

Musical interludes were provided by Shlomo Katz. One song was an original piece he wrote in memory of his friend who fell. 

Aryeh Lightstone, Senior Advisor to Ambassador David Friedman, read tehillim after giving regards from President Trump and the United States.

Other participants in the program include Dr. Sol Lizerbaum of San Diego, CA; Robert Benedon of Cherry Hill, NJ;  Chazan Richie Katz, and Ari Kalker, director of LSC housing and program organizer. 

Josh Brook, a former lone soldier, and LSC parent liason acted as MC, Closing remarks were given by LSC National Director, Joshua Flaster.