Baltimore, MD - Sept. 5, 2024 -  Beruchim HaBaim to one of Baltimore’s newest Kollelim, Kollel Nachlas Yosef which began this morning with first seder. Founded and led by its dynamic Rosh Kollel, Rav Aron Tendler, shlit"a, a native Baltimorean, who grew up right here in the community on Western Run Dr. and formerly a RA”M for over a decade in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, Nachalas Yosef is named for Rabbi Tendler’s Rebbe and great-uncle, Rav Yosef Tendler zt”l, Menahel at Mechinas Ner Yisrael for more than 50-years.

Comprised of over a dozen yungerleit, the Kollel will be learning Maseches Shabbos with two sedorim daily and mincha at 2:45 in their beautiful Beis Medrash located at 2322 Smith Ave. (Next to Royal Farms) and night seder at Kehillas Derech Chaim (Rav Pinchos Gross). The community is welcome to come join the daily Kol Torah in this new beautiful Makom Torah in our midst.