Good evening Towson Jewish community,

We, Towson Hillel and Jewish students at Towson University are disappointed that our student government voted to pass a deeply biased anti-Israel, BDS* resolution earlier this evening that urges the University Foundation to divest from companies and funds that do business in Israel.

Let me be clear: BDS campaigns do NOT shape university policy—they normalize antisemitism and introduce hate and division on campus. Since this resolution was introduced on April 16th, there have been at least three documented instances of antisemitism on Towson’s campus. Before April 16th, there were none the entire semester.

This legislation marginalizes Jewish students who have been under increasing threat from sharply rising antisemitism since October 7, seeks to limit their ability to express their full and authentic identities, and divides friends, peers, and campus communities.

Even as we are disappointed and angry that the Student Government Association voted to pass this resolution, we are proud of our students who took a stand for the Jewish community. More than 50 students, along with alumni, and community members attended the meeting in opposition to this resolution. 8 of them spoke passionately against the resolution, ensuring that their voices were heard. More were prepared but weren't given the chance. Our petition urging the SGA not to pass the resolution garnered more than 4,100 signatures.

We are also proud of our relationships with the University administration, who worked with us to move the vote from April 23rd, the first day of Passover. This is a clear indication that they respect the Jewish community at Towson University and will work to ensure our students’ safety and comfort as part of the fabric of our community. Following the vote, several administrators came over to express their concern for our students and ask how they could support them.

We are quickly approaching the end of the academic year. As we look ahead, Towson Hillel’s mission has not changed. We will continue to support our students in living meaningful Jewish lives and developing a strong sense of community. Our students have been working hard to plan ways to de-stress before finals. We will celebrate the final Shabbat of the semester this week, honoring our graduating seniors. And we will take part in Hillel Global Giving Week, an opportunity for the wider community to demonstrate the importance of Jewish life on college campuses.

Please note that Hillel Global Giving Week starts on Sunday. During that time, there will be a match for every gift made up to $15,000. For those of you that want to support our students in this difficult moment, please reserve your donations until then. I will share more information about this campain in the coming days.

Please reach out to staff if you need support. Hillel is ALWAYS here for you.


Rabbi Alex

Executive Director

Towson University Hillel