Baltimore, MD – Mar. 26, 2024 – Like every morning, Eli Neuberger was on his way to shul, or so he thought. In Eli’s own words: “3 or 4 cars pull up, and these guys come out and start chasing me. So I'm running towards the shul and then I see another guy getting out of his car and I yelled to a friend that was with me to be careful when, indeed, the other guys started chasing me.
I was able to call 911, but I wasn't able to speak. These fellows ran across the street tried taking my phone, and they just hit me on the head, but b”H, nothing major happened to me.
I knocked on the neighbor's door and he let me in. I was able to speak to the police. I clarified that this was a robbery and not a carjacking as has been reported. B’H there were no injuries and, fortunately, we have everything on camera.”