The IDF found in recent days a security video showing Shiri Bibas and her children Ariel (4) and Kfir (1) alive in captivity in Gaza in the early days of the war, Israeli media reported on Monday. 

IDF Spokesman Rear-Admiral Daniel Hagari explained that on October 7, Shiri was kidnapped with her children by terrorists and brought to an outpost in Khan Yunis, where they were detained by a terror group by the name of Kataib Mujahadin.

There, Shiri was forced by armed terrorists to wear a piece of cloth with Kfir probably attached in a sling under the cloth, with Ariel following her. The terrorists then forced her and her children into a vehicle and onto a different location. 

The video is dated to October 7 and shows they reached Khan Yunis alive, Hagari said.... Read More: JPost