Jerusalem, Israel - Nov. 26, 2023 - The President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier arrived in Israel with an impressive delegation of 65 people on a solidarity visit. On Sunday, November 26, in the early evening, the German President and most of the German delegation along with the media were at Beit Hansi in Jerusalem, Israel.
Israeli President Isaac and Michal Herzog walked out to greet the important political visitors as the limousines brought them to the Israeli President's Residence grounds.
As has been the situation during Operation Iron Swords, there were no flowers or frills, just simply the Israeli and German flags as background. The Presidents met privately before and after speaking to the cameras.
After welcoming President Steinmeier, President Herzog spoke in Hebrew and emphasized his dismay at comments made, "I must say, I am surprised, even shocked to see and hear statements by different leaders around the world, and even leaders of certain countries in Europe, who simply are not ready to look the facts in the face. To make sure to maintain double standards and a level of hypocrisy when it comes to Israel. We can argue, we can disagree, and we can criticize, but there is a limit, and the limit is when it comes to twisting the facts.
The statement by the Prime Minister of Ireland last night, in relation to the release of eight-year-old Emily Hand, was utterly unconscionable. Emily did not go missing. She did not go for a walk and lost her way. Emily was kidnapped at gunpoint by vile, monstrous murderers, and held captive, denied any contact with her family, and the world – even the Red Cross.
States, and certainly leaders of states, must first and foremost exhibit responsibility and tell the truth. Emily was kidnapped from her home by Hamas terrorists. Emily and her family are Israeli victims of the Hamas terrorist organization. The intentional omittance of the words “Israel”, “kidnapped”, “terrorists” or “Hamas” is shameful, ignores the reality and the facts, and does not fit any of the values of morality, humanity, and peace.
At the very moment when we are looking expectantly for the third set of women and children held hostage by Hamas to be released, I want to say once again: We will continue, as a people and a state, to work to return every one of our sons and daughters – out of a supreme moral duty. The daily psychological terrorism of Hamas will not deter us from our just, straight, and determined path."
President Steinmeier responded in German expressing his country's support: “Since the Holocaust, never has so many Jews been murdered in one day as October 7. Israel is in a war against Hamas - but this is also a war for the existence of Israel and its right to defend itself and ensure its existence.
We cannot allow Hamas to achieve its stated goal of the destruction of the State of Israel. Hamas is bringing terror to Israel, a large number of families have lost their loved ones, many families are worried and endure utter uncertainty regarding their kidnapped relatives, and some are already in despair.
Hamas started a war in the entire region and no one can condemn Israel for defending itself and fighting against terrorism.”
The full translated text of President Herzog's speech: “My dear friend, Your Excellency President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Michal and I are so very pleased to receive you here together with your wife Elke. Your visit to Israel is a symbol of the firm friendship between our countries, and testimony to your true friendship with the State of Israel, with Israeli society, and with the Jewish people.
Mr. President, we have been friends for decades, and we would all have preferred your visit to be under much happier circumstances, but that is not to be the case.
Fifty days ago, in the midst of the Jewish festival of Simcaht Torah, here in Israel, the sky fell in, as the terrorist monsters of Hamas embarked on a horrific massacre of the Jewish people, a massacre the enormity of which we have not seen since the dark days of the Holocaust.
Atrocities. Barbarism. Torture. Entire families were murdered and abducted. Many of the communities of the western Negev–Kibbutzim, towns, and cities, turned into dust and ashes. The crimes against humanity perpetrated on 7 October, crimes of a global and historic magnitude, have left an open wound on Israel, and on the family of nations. Since that terrible day, Israel has endured fifty days of pain, agony, and mourning. Fifty days in which tens of thousands of Israelis have been displaced from their home. Fifty days in which our innocent sons and daughters have been held captive by monsters, left in the hands of merciless villains, who publicly flout any and all international agreements, laws, or treaties, even preventing the Red Cross from seeing our children.
But I must tell you, my friend, President Steinmeier, when such evil – premeditated, planned, cruel, and monstrous – carries out its darkest deeds, we see things more clearly than ever. This is a moment of true clarity. Here we can see there is absolute good and absolute evil. Here we see the light and we see the darkness. Those who kidnap and murder the elderly and Holocaust survivors, babies that have yet to see their first birthday – they are pure evil. Those who torture entire families, and broadcast it live – are pure evil.
At moments of such clarity, we can see a whole camp, which has simply declared itself an enemy of humanity. A camp that is by its very definition, anti-civilization. The monstrous barbarism of Hamas, which by the way is often directed towards the Palestinians of Gaza, the acts of piracy by the Houthis which threaten the world’s economic maritime routes, the terror of Hezbollah which attacks Israeli homes on a daily basis, and simultaneously threatens to destroy Lebanon from within – all of these are part of one camp. A camp that we all know is operated, backed, financed, and supported directly from Tehran.
The moral responsibility that Germany is demonstrating at this moment, a responsibility which you Mr. President express, you and your colleagues Chancellor Scholz and the whole German Government, all sides of Parliament headed by Barbel Bas – is a responsibility in words and deeds for the security of Israel, and of the Jewish people wherever they are, represents an example and standard for all the family of nations. I want to thank you and the German Government for your absolute support of Israel’s duty to decisively, forcefully, and responsibly defend itself.
Yet, I must say, I am surprised, even shocked to see and hear statements by different leaders around the world, and even leaders of certain countries in Europe, who simply are not ready to look the facts in the face and make sure to maintain double standards and a level of hypocrisy when it comes to Israel. We can argue, we can disagree, and we can criticize, but there is a limit, and the limit is when it comes to twisting the facts.
The statement by the Prime Minister of Ireland last night, in relation to the release of eight-year-old Emily Hand, was utterly unconscionable. Emily did not go missing. She did not go for a walk and lost her way. Emily was kidnapped at gunpoint by vile, monstrous murderers, and held captive denied any contact with her family, and the world – even the Red Cross.
States, and certainly leaders of states, must first and foremost exhibit responsibility and tell the truth. Emily was kidnapped from her home by Hamas terrorists. Emily and her family are Israeli victims of the Hamas terrorist organization.
The intentional omittance of the words “Israel”, “kidnapped”, “terrorists” or “Hamas” is shameful, ignores the reality and the facts, and does not fit any of the values of morality, humanity, and peace.
In the last days, we saw again, we saw firsthand, the difference between good and evil. Between the darkness and the light. We saw on the one side an entire people, united, unified, pained, waiting expectantly and with anguish for its children, girls and boys, the elderly, innocent people kidnaped by an unhuman evil.
On the other side, a terror murderous organization that seeks to release onto the streets terrorists with blood on their hands, who were convicted in a court of law, because they acted to kill many Israelis – Jews, Muslims, and those of other peoples and faiths – and instead of expressing any regret or remorse, are proud and glorified for this again and again.
At the very moment when we are looking expectantly for the third set of women and children held hostage by Hamas to be released, I want to say once again: We will continue, as a people and a state, to work to return every one of our sons and daughters – out of a supreme moral duty. The daily psychological terrorism of Hamas will not deter us from our just, straight, and determined path.
This war is a war which we did not initiate nor seek. But it is a war that we will win outright. The aims are clear. We cannot allow Hamas to continue to pose a threat to Israelis and Jews, and all our sons and daughters but be returned home. This is not just a war for the security of our citizens but for the honor and well-being of humanity as a whole. War is not an easy matter, nor is it simple or nice.
I personally, and we as a nation, are pained by the suffering of many of the residents of Gaza, and the State of Israel is working to ensure continued humanitarian aid – according to international humanitarian law.
Thousands of trucks with tens of thousands of tons of humanitarian equipment, food, water, medicine, and more have already been transferred into Gaza, and today, as part of a dramatic increase in supply to the northern Gaza Strip, we are hundreds of trucks a day.
Along with that, I want to be clear: the responsibility for the suffering of and harm to the residents of Gaza – often in a very direct way – rests on Hamas alone.
I once again want to thank you, Mr. President, for your visit and support at this difficult time, and for your friendship and commitment to the State and people of Israel.
The people of Israel will overcome. Like a phoenix we will rise from the ashes, we will flourish, and grow and build more and more.
I hope to be able to welcome and host you here again, in a much happier time.
Am Yisrael Chai.