David Zini has just become a general in the IDF. His sister Bracha wrote about him as follows:
“Today my brother David Zini achieved the rank of general. There are those who are excited since they know him or his wife or one of their 11 children. There are others who are glad that he rose to this rank because they know him well, having served with him or under him. Then there are those who take pride in his being religious and still others who are simply happy that such a great man is now among the elite officers of the IDF.
I am especially moved by my brother's becoming a general since he was not accepted into any school going into the 9th grade. He was a mischievous boy and that was enough to prevent any educator from identifying his potential, his strengths, and his abilities.
During summer vacation that year, my borther did not yet know where he would begin 9th grade. Only after my father pleaded did they agree to accept him for a trial month at a distant yeshiva.
My brother had parents that believed in him and loved him unconditionally because they were simply his parents. Even after they were sent rejection letters from multiple educational institutions, they did not cease to love, appreciate, and believe in him.
I can make a long list of schools that refused to admit my brother. My father says that most of their principals have passed on, but those who are still alive certainly regret what they did.
At the ceremony where he received his rank, my brother spoke glowingly about our parents and thanked them. In my opinion, there was a message in what he said for every parent everywhere."
David Zini has just become a general in the IDF. His sister Bracha wrote about him as follows:
“Today my brother David Zini achieved the rank of general. There are those who are excited since they know him or his wife or one of their 11 children. There are others who are glad that he rose to this rank because they know him well, having served with him or under him. Then there are those who take pride in his being religious and still others who are simply happy that such a great man is now among the elite officers of the IDF.
I am especially moved by my brother's becoming a general since he was not accepted into any school going into the 9th grade. He was a mischievous boy and that was enough to prevent any educator from identifying his potential, his strengths, and his abilities.
During summer vacation that year, my borther did not yet know where he would begin 9th grade. Only after my father pleaded did they agree to accept him for a trial month at a distant yeshiva.
My brother had parents that believed in him and loved him unconditionally because they were simply his parents. Even after they were sent rejection letters from multiple educational institutions, they did not cease to love, appreciate, and believe in him.
I can make a long list of schools that refused to admit my brother. My father says that most of their principals have passed on, but those who are still alive certainly regret what they did.
At the ceremony where he received his rank, my brother spoke glowingly about our parents and thanked them. In my opinion, there was a message in what he said for every parent everywhere."