On Tuesday, the Knesset passed the Chametz Law in its second and final readings, restoring the situation to the way it was before the Supreme Court intervened several years ago, prohibiting hospital directors from hanging signs asking people not to bring Chametz onto the premises during Pesach.

Pesach  this year begins next Wednesday at sundown.

48 MKs voted in favor of the law, with 43 opposing. Likud MK Idit Silman submitted the law; for her, it was a "closing of the circle," as the issue of the Chametz Law proved the last straw for her, prompting her resignation from the Bennett-Lapid government when she was still a member of the Yamina party and bringing the government down.

"All that we are doing with this law is protecting the Jewish identity of the State of Israel," Silman said.... Read More: Arutz-7