Jerusalem, Israel - Mar. 27, 2023 - The State of Israel’s Ministry of Education announced on March 22, 2023, that Prof. Amnon Shashua, Mobileye founder, president, and CEO, was this year's recipient of the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement, the nation’s highest civilian honor.
In 1999, Shashua co-founded Mobileye, the company that developed computer algorithms for autonomous driving technology used today in new automobiles. The company was acquired by Intel in 2017.
Shashua has gone on to found and actively lead four companies using applied AI in various fields besides automotive, and they include AI21 Labs, "One Zero," the first digital bank in Israel, and OrCam.
OrCam, the Israeli company launched in 2010, with co-founder Ziv Aviram, using AI technology, has developed three assistive devices for the visually impaired. Their main office is in Jerusalem, and all research and development are based in Israel with assembly done in Migdal Emek.
"Our Vision, Empowering People" is the stated mission written on the wall as one enters the offices in Jerusalem's Har Hotzvim.
The videos below are indispensible for understanding how the complex device works.
To learn about Orcam Read, watch this one-minute video
OrCam MyEye was next, with new remarkable features that enable the visually-impaired to see:
Now OrCam Learn is taking the technology to new levels as a reading aide for people with normal vision, especially those with dyslexia and ADHD.
There is no security risk and OrCam Learn can be used with Bluetooth. For students in a school setting, the new slender tool can be considered cool and not embarrassing.
The AI device responds to verbal commands as well as hand motions to stop reading. The user can read at their own pace, point and click and follow the laser dot to read.
"Hey OrCam" the voice recognition is entered on the settings menu.
With the advanced AI technology in your hand, you can easily find words in a text. Watching the OrCam Learn in use was a fascinating experience. The benefits to a person with reading difficulties reading are significant, as it can diagnose the reader's weaknesses, and address them. Thus, teachers can better help a student in specific areas that are lacking.
OrCam has expanded to 50 countries and the technology is available in 25 languages including Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Mandarin, all include English and are region specific. Amharic was developed for Ethiopian/Israelis and has been donated to multiple users who cannot afford the device.
Cost varies greatly. In Germany, for example, the health care system provides OrCam for those in need, so it is a fully funded assisted technology. Norway also has a robust social service system and provides for OrCam for dyslexic students.
In the US, financial assistance is available for OrCam MyEye and OrCam Read depending on where the intended user lives and the specifics of their situation. United States: Eligible veterans may qualify for an OrCam device through the VA.
For private parents, there are various possibilities, one is a subscription deposit for the device and using it free per month. For school systems, multiple students can use one device. The OrCam Learn is regularly updated with increasing potential as new technology is developed.
Recently launched in the U.S. and the UK, this completely new, innovative solution was developed for students with reading and learning differences (including dyslexia), to help them improve their reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension.
For more information, see their website: