It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Rabbi Heshie Hirth, zt”l.

Rabbi Hirth was the leading askan in the Passaic community for decades, guiding the mosdos hachinuch while tending to countless inyonim of tzorchei tzibbur. Much of his chesed flew under the radar, as Rabbi Hirth assisted other mosdos and individuals, giving of his time and resources day and night to enhance the chinuch of children, to help families in need, and to be marbeh kevod Shomayim in everything he did.

Rabbi Hirth contracted an illness some years ago and fought valiantly despite tremendous yissurim. His passing leaves a gaping void in the Passaic community to which he was devoted b’lev venefesh.

Levayah details will be posted once they are finalized.

Yehi zichro boruch.