Baltimore, MD - Jan. 20, 2019 - Last night a Melave Malka was held at Khal Chassidim where the kehilah hosted the Vizhnitzer Rebbe,shlita, visiting Baltimore from Montreal. HaRav Hershel Rosenfeld, shlita, Rav of Khal Chasidim, welcomedg the Rebbe and his large entourage of Chasidim that came from all over the United States and Canada to spend Shabbos with the Rebbe in Baltimore. The Rav spoke of his own experiences with the Rebbe and the Rebbe's father, Zt”l, the previous Vizhnitzer Rebbe from Monsey who recently passed away.

The Rebbe himself then spoke of the importance of a Kollel and having young men sitting and learning which is mashpia on an entire kehilah and city. as well as the importance of every person being kovea itim and having a time every day to learn Torah.

The Melave malka was well attended by the community including Rav Zvi Hersh Taub and Rav Yissochor Dov Eichenstein.