Baltimore, MD  - March 25, 2025 - Whether you are a newbie to making Pesach or a veteran, STAR-K offers a plethora of resources – whether live or online - to help you have a wonderful Yom Tov experience.


On Monday, March 3, STAR-K Certification Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler gave a pre-Pesach bug checking class at Ohr Hamizrach Congregation Sephardic Center which was well attended.

Rabbi Tendler was invited by the Kollel of Greater Boston, on Sunday, March 23, to be the guest speaker for its Pre-Pesach Day of Learning. He delivered a morning shiur on Pesach topics, including taaruvos chometz (food products that contain chometz ingredients) and chometz sheavar alav haPesach (chometz that was possessed or controlled by a Jew during Pesach). In the evening, in conjunction with Kashrus Vaad Harabonim (KVH) and the Kollel of Greater Boston, he gave a shiur on preparing for Pesach, Pesach products, kashering and other topics.

Looking for a live presentation for your shul, school, or organization? For further information, contact STAR-K’s Speakers Bureau, 410-484-4110.


The STAR-K Passover page ( is a comprehensive resource designed to help consumers prepare for Pesach and features the 2025 Pesach Guide. Discover which products have reliable Kosher for Passover certification and those that are “Approved for Passover” without requiring certification. It contains helpful halachic guidelines, FAQs and lists prepared by expert STAR-K staff to ensure your Passover holiday observance meets the highest kosher standards.

Before you kasher your kitchen for Pesach, check out the just released “Tripping Kosher” YouTube video, “How I Kashered my Kitchen for Pesach - With the STAR-K”, (

Coming Up Soon….

On Thursday, March 27, at 12 Noon ET, join STAR-K Certification for a SPECIAL EDITION WEBINAR: Passover Products 5785. Join STAR-K Kashrus Administrators Rabbi Zvi Goldberg and Rabbi Boruch Beyer for an interactive Passover products webinar, during which they will:

•             discuss what's new on Passover store shelves

•             which products do and don't require Passover certification

•             suggest how to save money with the rising cost of kosher food

•             review baby food, almond flour, kitniyos, matzah, and more!

•             answer your questions!


To submit questions:

•             Email us prior to the program at

•             Ask questions via chat during the show

The conference will run for about one hour. You can join us:

•             Online: Live via the web. Register here

•             By Phone: call 1-267-279-9000; pin to enter conference 887853648#

•             Via ClickMeeting App (Google Play | App Store) Event ID: 348-918-446

You can always watch later! Classes are archived at  and on Vimeo