A poll on US President Donald Trump's performance in his first two weeks in office run by YouGov and published by CBS News on Sunday found that a majority of Americans approve of the job he is doing and 70% agree that his fulfilling his campaign promises.

Among the various issues, respondents were asked about their opinion on the new President's policy regarding the Middle East and the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The majority (54%) approved of how the President was handling the conflict.

This being said, not many appear to be fond of Trump's idea of the US taking control of the Gaza Strip, with 47% saying it was a bad idea, 40% saying they were not sure/it depends, and only 13% saying it was a good idea.

Asked what they believed were the President's intentions in presenting the plan, 22% said they believed Trump really wanted the US to take over Gaza, 28% said the plan was meant to start negotiations in the Middle East or something else, 29% suggest both, and 20% said neither.... Read More: Arutz-7