Baltimore, MD - Feb. 2, 2025  - Like the rays of sun shining brightly, the kol Torah bursts forth from Yeshiva Gedolah Ohr Hatorah each morning. From morning until night, the sounds of the Yeshiva and Kollel fill the Bais Medrash and elevate each Talmid and Yungerman to new heights.

Nestled in the heart of the Baltimore community at 3506 Bancroft Road, the Yeshiva currently is home to 60 bochurim and 15 Kollel Yungerleit. Under the leadership of Rabbi Dovid Hoffman and Rabbi Moshe Aharon Rosenbaum, Ohr Hatorah has become a steady address over the last twelve years for Bochurim and Yungerleit looking to find a makom Torah where they can develop a deep kesher with the Rebbeim, solidify their derech halimud and build a foundation for the future. Alongside the Roshei Yeshiva, the dedicated Hanhalla – Rabbi Daniel Ely, Rabbi Yosef Lipson, Rabbi Benzion Lapidus, Rabbi Dovid Jaffee and Rabbi Ari Feldstein – are there for the Talmidim, always ready to assist, inspire and encourage every Ohr Hatorah Talmid. 

A new era dawned this year as the Yeshiva added a 4th level shiur with the addition of Rabbi Yosef Lipson to the Hanhala. The ever growing need to cater to older Bochurim as well as the younger ones helped facilitate this expansion. The steady presence of the kollel, along with the increased number of talmidim in the Yeshiva, has raised the level of learning to new heights.

Being an Ohr Hatorah alumnus means maintaining the opportunity to continue gaining from the Yeshiva even after moving on. Two prime examples that have begun this past year are the Kinyan Mesechta Chabura for Alumni during Night Seder, run by R' Moshe Herzog, and the Shabbos Morning Kollel & Alumni Minyan with Rabbi Ari Feldstein guiding its members.

The organization of the N'shei Ha'Ohr gives the nishei chayil of the Kollel, Hanhalla and Alumni the chance to get together, be inspired and draw chizuk to their special roles through periodic shiurim and events.

The centrality of the Yeshiva’s location serves as a magnet to the surrounding community. It is not uncommon to find neighbors dropping by for a chance to learn, daven or join a Yeshiva event. The warmth and energy of Ohr Hatorah is felt by all.

Help raise the keren hatorah with a donation to the Ohr of Torah campaign and share in the zechus of the community based makom Torah!