Baltimore, MD - Dec. 18, 2024  -  Tonight, the lomdei haDaf at Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah celebrated a siyum on Masechta Bava Basra. The evening’s highlight was the keynote address by Rabbi Avraham Goldhar of Zichru, who spoke about how Zichru is revolutionizing the Daf Yomi experience.
Rabbi Goldhar, a renowned memory expert and creator of the Goldhar Method, shared his journey of discovering extraordinary success in his own learning through these innovative techniques. Inspired by the transformative impact of his methods, he launched Zichru to help Daf Yomi learners access entire Mesechtos with ease and motivation. Since its inception, Zichru has empowered thousands of learners, raising the bar for what lomdei Daf Yomi can achieve.

Rabbi Binyamin Gerstengeld and Rabbi Yehoshua Weinhaus both shared how Zichru has profoundly transformed not only their Daf Yomi learning but also their entire lives.

As the program gained recognition, Zichru partnered with the OU’s Daf Yomi platform, All Daf, to expand its reach. Together, they’ve equipped learners worldwide with tools and strategies to remember the Daf, making the learning experience more accessible and impactful than ever. Zichru’s mission remains simple yet ambitious: to empower learners to retain and excel, unlocking the full potential of Daf Yomi study.

Daf Yomi mesayem, Rabbi Meir Beller, who has faithfully delivered a nightly Daf Yomi shiur, will be stepping down as he begins a new role as a Magid Shiur.