Jerusalem, Israel - Oct. 27, 2024  - Hundreds of people, including 190 survivors from the Nova Festival and ten hostage families danced again with the Torah in Jerusalem, Israel at the Ramada Hotel for hakafos shniyos. 

The event was created at the specific request of the Nova survivors, who have attended Shabbatonim run by Kesher Yehudi in the past.  They asked the organization to change plans, saying this is where they needed to be as they commemorate one year on the Hebrew calendar since Hamas’ horrific terror attack on Israel.

The survivors and hostage families celebrated the full Simchat Torah holiday in Jerusalem together with Kesher Yehudi staff, volunteers, and donors from abroad, as well as Rabbi Yedidya and Sivan Rahav Meir, Rabbi Colonel Moshe Kenan, Rabbi Yisroel Goldwasser, Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger, and musician Yonatan Razel.

Tzili Schneider, Kesher Yehudi’s founder said, “If each of us who came here today makes a serious commitment to really - truly - have a strong and authentic connection with another Jew in Israel that is completely different from us, then I guarantee you that another Oct. 7th cannot happen. We must show Hakadosh Baruch Hu that his children truly love each other, no matter our differences.”  

After an extended musical havdalah led by Yonatan Razel, the celebrations for “hakafos shniyos” dancing with the Torahs reached a new level. Special guests included musical entertainer Lipa Schmeltzer, Rabbi Meir Goldwicht and his son Rabbi Eitiel Goldwicht, Rebbezin Yaffa Deri, and Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion who spoke to the crowd late at night before the last hakafah.