Baltimore, MD - Aug. 29, 2024  - The University of Maryland will allow the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine to take over a massive chunk of its campus on October 7, the anniversary of Hamas’ slaughter of 1,200 Israelis.

Rabbi Ari Israel, director of the university’s Hillel chapter, told The Daily Wire he expressed concerns about the event to university leadership. SJP held a similar event on Tuesday, the university’s second day of classes, setting up 15,000 flags in the center of campus to “honor the 150,000+ martyrs who have lost their lives within the past year,” and holding speeches against “the zionist entity,” according to an SJP flier.

The October 7 event is likely to be similar, and set to take place on the same section of campus.

Not even Hamas claims 150,000 people have been killed since Oct. 7 — the terrorist group alleges that 40,000 Palestinians have been killed— but SJP says it uses a higher “estimate” because “the health ministry has been unable to keep count of the dead.”... Read More: Daily Wire