Senior bipartisan Israeli security officials from the last few decades called Benjamin Netanyahu an "existential threat to the State of Israel" in a letter to US congressional leadership ahead of the Israeli PM's speech, it was revealed on Tuesday.

The letter was sent by 17 officials such as former Mossad Director Tamir Pardo, former IDF Chief Dan Haloutz, former Defense Chief Moshe Ya'alon, and former National Security lead Uzi Arad, and was addressed to Speaker Mike Johnson and Reps. Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell.

The letter begins by expressing "grave concerns" regarding Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Congress, which the officials state would harm joint objectives of the two states.

The officials claim that the visit "prioritizes his political survivability over our shared interests" and that the trip is an excuse for the PM to "shore up his domestic coalition." Israelis such as Labor lead Yair Golan have been skeptical of the PM's intentions during the war, believing his motivations are political in nature rather than out of desire to return the hostages and end the war.... Read More: JPost