Former President Trump has chosen Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate for the 2024 election, tapping the first-term Ohio senator and America First firebrand to join the Republican ticket.

Vance has emerged in recent months as one of the most visible defenders of the former president. Allies have praised him as an articulate voice of the populist conservative movement who has built a strong personal relationship with Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr., and Vance will likely be a fierce and willing attack dog in the bruising campaign to come.

The selection of Vance also comes at a critical moment in the election, just days after Trump was nearly assassinated during a rally in Butler, Pa. Trump has seized on the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee as a moment to rally the base after the stunning turn of events.

Vance, 39, has had a rapid rise in the political arena.... Read More: The Hill