Baltimore, MD - July 2, 2024  - Agudath Israel of Baltimore is incredibly grateful for the tremendous effort and dedication from those individuals in our community who involve themselves in the collection and burial of sheimos throughout the year. This included the shaimos dropped off at the Agudah all year long, shaimos dropped off during the special collection on Sunday morning, and shaimos supplied by many other shuls, schools and institutions, including: Bais HaMedrash & Mesivta of Baltimore, Bais Lubavitch, Beth Am, Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion, Bnos Yisrael, Cheder Chabad, Community Kollel Tiferes Moshe Aryeh, Levindale, Machzikei Torah, Mercaz Torah and Tefillah, Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah (Liberty Jewish Center), Ner Tamid, Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Shearith Israel, Sheves Achim, Sinai Hospital, Third Way (Shaarei Tefillah), Torah Institute, and Yeshivas Lubavitch.

We are extremely grateful to all the volunteers who assisted this past Sunday, June 30, 24 Sivan, in loading the trucks and the actual burial: In alphabetical order, they are: Jacob Applebaum, Eliezer Arasteh, Chizkiyahu Arasteh, Yitzi Adlin, Amitai Barth, Eitan Barth, Shalom Barth, Chanan Berdy, Moshe Baruch Cohen, Nochum Cohen, Yosef Cohen, Dovid Clay, Chaim Frankel, Eliyahu Frankel, Shraga Goldberg, Tzvi Goldberg, Noam Harris, Rav Shraga Herskowitz, Yosef Jaffee, Zalman Lachman, Uri Meyers, Yisrael Novice, Eliyahu Rayman, Yisrael Yehudah Rayman, Noach Yisrael Salzberg, Meir Sandhaus, Ephraim Silver, Shaya Swiatycki, Avraham Weiskopf, and Tzvi Zackam.

Thank you also to our drivers Dovid Cotton, Levi Dashevsky, and M. Alars.

We especially acknowledge the Jewish Cemetery Association, headed by Steve Venick, and Mike Patrick for providing and excavating the burial site for the sheimos.

We also take this opportunity to thank Dovid Mandel, Jacob Applebaum, and everyone else involved in sorting and bagging the shaimos all year long.

וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה הקב"ה ישלם שכרם